Dia Bilang Pada Neneknya "Suamiku Selingkuh Aku Mau Cerai!", Setelah Dengar, Nenek Malah Masuk Dapur dan "Menyuruhnya Melakukan Ini"... Yang terjadi selanjutnya malah seperti ini..

The Boutique booking Hotel singapore Manager Boutique booking Hotel singapore. Just the words get the imagination going. Even before I dog eared the pages of Herbert Ypma's first Hip Hotels book I was fascinated by the world of boutique hotel singapore agoda properties. "How cool would it be to be the general manager of a cool boutique hotel?" I often found asking myself as I flipped through the pages of his magnificent photos. Working hard to make a career out of the hotel industry, I was convinced that I just had to be involved with a boutique hotel someday. That someday came true, when in 2004 I was invited to be the general manager of what was and still is one of Palm Springs most hip boutique booking Hotel singapore. I left another huge opportunity just to be a part of this amazing world. The art, the design, the vibe. I had never really worked anywhere with a "vibe". A year later and I knew, I knew what many in the hotel singapore agoda business do not...what it is really like to be the gm of a hip, cool boutique hotel. It's not for everyone and amazing for many. There is a mini storm brewing in the boutique booking Hotel singapore world, one I don't think most involved in this industry are aware of. With more and more boutique hotel operators entering the playground, more and more bad hiring decisions are being made. The right General Mangers are working at the wrong hotel singapore agoda. Like a square peg and a round hole, some things just do not work. Who is to blame and what can be done? The Boutique booking Hotel singapore First let me first tell you that I have a very narrow view of what really constitutes a boutique booking Hotel singapore. I think that the term "Boutique" when used to describe a hotel singapore agoda is often misapplied. A boutique hotel is not defined by simply a hot design, as many would argue. In my opinion, a boutique booking Hotel singapore is a property that is uniquely significant in four ways: 1. Architecture and Design. 2. A high level of service. A property must not exceed 150 guest rooms, enhancing the guest to staff ratio. 3. Sell to a specific demographic. 4. Are independently owned and operated (this is where some will disagree with me). A boutique booking Hotel singapore must be an independent operation. The hotel singapore agoda must not be part of a collection that is more than say, 10 properties. Beyond this you get into having a corporate hierarchical management style that is required in running a large company and maintaining brand consistency. Take W Hotels for example. In my opinion these are not boutique hotels. They look like a boutique hotel, even feel like one. Many boutique hotels would strive to be as great as a W. But a W hotel singapore agoda is run and managed by a massive corporation. The property level management makes very few decisions about what services are offered and how the property is run. A boutique hotel must be operated as close to the actual physical operation as possible. W's and the like are amazing, but in my opinion don't fit the definition of a boutique hotel. Boutique hotels are also constantly re-inventing themselves, making sure that their fickle guest never get bored and look to stay at the latest new, hip and cool property. Boutique booking Hotel singapore Guest Travelers chose to stay at a boutique booking Hotel singapore because of the story, or the experience. The experience is very important and must be unique and somewhat cutting edge. The general demographics are individuals 20 to 50 years of age, work in more creative fields like advertising or entertainment and appreciate a higher level of service. When Ian Schrager entered the market with what many consider to be the first boutique hotel singapore agoda, this demographic discovered that they could use their travel budget get them a room at a cool, hip hotel rather than a generic mid-level branded property. And the boom started. Boutique hotel guests enjoy experiences, unique architecture, cutting edge interior design and in some cases an urban location. The market is expanding and the demographic model explained earlier is beginning to bleed into others. You might very well find a Fortune 500 CEO staying at a boutique hotel singapore agoda. It is hard to ignore the hype. Brands vs. Boutiques Luxury booking Hotel singapore operators are scrambling to avoid losing market share to the boutique world. Some hotels are actually taking the "brand" off their marketing and streamlining their operations so that their properties are authentically boutique. Take the Kahala Mandarin Oriental for example. This famous luxury property recently took Mandarin Oriental away so that they could operate and compete in the new marketplace of more independent hotel singapore agoda. They are now simply "The Kahala" and are working hard to be authentically local and independent of a major brand identification. I think others will follow. The Boutique booking Hotel singapore General Manager For the sake of this publication, I will use the luxury booking Hotel singapore as the comparison to the boutique since most closely associate a boutique hotel singapore agoda with luxury travel. So what is so different about being a general manager at a luxury hotel versus a boutique hotel? Can it really be that different? The basics are the same. The general manager is responsible for the entire day to day operation, hiring decisions, marketing, budgets, forecasting, rate strategy, facility maintenance etc... The key for both types of properties is guest service and guest interaction. The guest at a high end luxury hotel expects to be able to interact with the hotel general manager, as do the guests at a boutique property. It is all high touch. The difference is that a boutique booking Hotel singapore general manager wears just a few more hats than the luxury general manager. A boutique general manager might be preparing complex budget forecasting spreadsheets at 10am and at 10:30 am be clearing the pool towels from around the hotel singapore agoda's salt water plunge. When was the last time you saw the general manager of the Peninsula Beverly Hills with an arm full of towels? Don't get me wrong, I know that the general manager of the Peninsula would do this in a second, if they had to. The general manager of a boutique hotel HAS to, because there is nobody else. The one server working the restaurant is also probably responsible for taking care of the pool, taking room service orders, delivering the orders and on and on.... The general manager of a boutique hotel is sometimes also the HR director and breaks the front desk agents. If the gm is in California then the gm might find themselves breaking just about every position just to avoid getting sued and fined! The financial realities of a boutique booking Hotel singapore are unique. The appearance of three to five star service with a two star budget is the norm, and the gm's get caught in the middle. The boutique hotel singapore agoda just does not have the budget to staff like a true luxury property and everyone has to pull their weight. The gm who does not will not be there long and hate every second of their lives. Along with the additional sweat and frustration of being a boutique booking Hotel singapore gm are the rewards. For the right individual, they will find that the entrepreneurial management style required of them is highly empowering. The gm can make a lot of decisions on their own, decisions that in a larger corporate hotel singapore agoda would require an approval or worse....committee discussion! The fact that some towels need to be picked up and maybe a drink or two be mixed and served is actually fun to them. The rewards of always being in front of your guests are what most gm's want anyway, but many are not really ready for it when they are tasked to make that happen every day. So what kind of person would do well as a general manager of a boutique booking Hotel singapore? Answer these questions, if you can say yes to each answer then you will probably really like the challenge. Please note that I am assuming that you are already an experienced manager and qualified to be a general manager booking Hotel singapore. I task the many boutique booking Hotel singapore companies to ask these questions to gm candidates during the interview process. I know that you will save a lot of time, frustration and lower your turnover rates (higher for general manager positions in boutique hotel singapore agoda). If you are a boutique booking Hotel singapore company I would also ask you to make sure that you do the following for your hotel general managers, ensuring their success and lowering your gm turnover: 1. Don't hire an experience luxury (non-boutique booking Hotel singapore) general manger unless they can answer yes or actually commit to learning the answer to each of the prior 51 questions. 2. Train, train and train your new gm's on the property they are going to. Make sure they know everything before you "turn them loose". 3. Pay them a fair wage, maybe even a bit more than fair. Boutique booking Hotel singapore companies seem to think they can attract new gm's who maybe were a number two at a larger property, convince them that it is "cool" to be a part of your company and pay them less than the industry standard. This just makes your new gm start listening to those headhunter calls (they call hotel gm's a lot!) with offers of much higher salaries back in the "comfort" zone of a branded hotel singapore agoda. 4. Understand what goes on in the life of a boutique booking Hotel singapore gm. Most boutique hotel corporate staff have never been a gm at a real boutique hotel singapore agoda and have no idea what it is like. Get to know what happens on property. 5. Insist that your gm's take time off. It is easy for your gm to get wrapped up in the operation and start working 7 days a week. This will just burn them out. Figure out a way to get them the time with their families they need to stay sane, married etc... 6. Don't call them on their day off unless it is an emergency. If you don't know what days your gm's are off then shame on you. 7. Don't be double minded. Don't show up one day and berate the gm for the pool deck needing re-surfacing and then two days later come down on them for requesting the funds to make property repairs. 8. Give them realistic budgets, and if you sell a bonus during the interview process, make sure it is realistic. 9. Give them the same "perks" that gm's in large booking Hotel singapore properties get. You can skip the car allowance, but at least offer dry cleaning and travel privileges at your other properties. 10. Talk to them often. Really talk to them, don't talk at them. Listen to what is going on. 11. If you tell them that "we are an entrepreneurial company" and that gm's can "make their own decisions" and then second guess every decision they make you need to re-think your message. 12. Make sure you give them the ability to hire a strong #2. One of the reasons your gm's leave for other companies is because most boutique booking Hotel singapore companies don't give their properties the budgets to have a number two, so they have nobody to take their place if other in-company opportunities come up. This is the old and very tired "to move up you have to move out" dynamic that kills us in the hotel singapore agoda industry. 13. That takes me to this point---set out to develop bench strength. Have leaders waiting in the wings to take positions as you grow. If you don't you will end up "borrowing" leaders from each of your properties to open your newest. This leaves your existing properties, already running lean on management with an over worked and stressed out group of leaders and staff. Make this a priority. 14. Thank your gm's. This is a no-brainer but a much forgot important task as a booking Hotel singapore company. THANK YOUR GM's. This goes for any hotel singapore agoda company. Your general managers get beat up a lot. By unhappy staff, guests and you. You hit them with constant "notes" on how to perform better. Make sure to balance the coaching with praise. The point? So what is the point to all of this? The boutique booking Hotel singapore general manager, in my opinion is a completely different job than a general manager at a full service luxury property. But unfortunately the two are muddled together in a basket full of un-attainable expectations. I think that the boutique booking Hotel singapore general manager should have a new title-- I leave this up to the boutique hotel singapore agoda companies and the creative genius that drives their brands. At the end of the day, a title is really not important, but the expectations are. Make sure you understand your role as a boutique hotel general manager or the role your general managers play at your boutique booking Hotel singapore. Make certain that as you take a job or when hire them, they know what a boutique hotel singapore agoda manager really is. The author, Kurt Bjorkman is the CEO of över5, a booking Hotel singapore consulting firm based in La Quinta California. Kurt has 20 years of front line hospitality experience in both full service branded and boutique properties.

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